Day 7: Christmas is over

It’s March, time to take down the Christmas decorations.  I’m really not one of those annoying people that puts up the decorations before Halloween and keeps them up until March, really I’m not.  We have a tradition, put up the decorations the day after Thanksgiving and take them down before New Year’s.  I’ve done this since I was a child and continued it with my own family.  There are some decorations that could be more of a winter decoration than a Christmas decoration so, some of my favorites stay up just a little longer.  I haven’t tired of them, they look nice, so I keep them up.

Today I started to get the spring vibe.  I’m tired of seeing the bare trees and browness outside.  I want to see the green grass filling in the lawns, trees full of leaves, and colorful flowers blooming.  So, I’m helping that along.  The  cutesy craft show shovel is coming down from the door to be replaced with metal pastel flowers.  The winter lantern is now a spring garden.  No wreaths or snowmen in sight.  I’ve done my part in side, now I just wait for the outside to follow.


7 thoughts on “Day 7: Christmas is over

  1. When I saw the name of your post I thought you still had your Christmas lights up or worse yet- your Christmas tree 😳! But I totally get it. If it is snowman or winter related I leave it up for my “winter decorations”. I too finally just took the cute snowman and sled the other week for my spring/st paddy’s day decorations!

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