Day 15: Sliding is the worst!

I love being in thick comfy socks and purposefully sliding on a smooth kitchen floor.  I absolutely hate sliding in a vehicle on a slippery road.  It is a skill that everyone should have, but I hate it too much to even try.  My husband loves it, my son loves it…boys.  My daughters can handle it…strong girls.  I hate it!  The more it happens the more I hate it.  There is a curve as you exit my neighborhood.  A short curve, simple, hardly noticeable, except by me on a snowy day.  I take the curve slowly, but the ice is there, the tires are old, I slide.  It’s actually a pretty good slide.  I do a 180 degree turn, in the opposite lane, but facing the correct way.  So I just head straight back home.  I’ll run errands later.  Monday comes, the roads are still slippery, the curve is still there.  I take it slow again.  I slide again, exactly the same way, in the opposite lane, heading back home.  I walk into my house, slam the door, and yell, ‘It happened again!’.  My husband calms me and looks at the car.  The car’s fine, I’m fine, time to head back to work.  But, I’m not taking that curve again.  Only straight paths for me.  I arrive safely.

Winter break arrives.  It’s a snowy winter.  No major travel plans so I’m good.  We will visit some friends for Christmas.  They only live 45 minutes away and my husband will drive.  Everything is good.  Until we wake up in the morning and my oldest is sick.  Larry will stay home with her.  I will take the other 2 to the Christmas party.  There are no unsettling curves, all straight roads.  I’ll take it slow and we will be fine.  We are getting closer.  We had planned to stop for hot chocolate.  But, that plann changed.  The roads are too bad, no unnecessary stops will be made.  We are only 10 minutes away, 15 at most.  No problem.  Then, the slide starts.  I’m on a straight road!  Stop sliding!  But I don’t.  It’s another 180 degree turn.  I’m in the opposite lane, and again at least facing the right direction.  It’s slippery and I get rear-ended this time, just a bump.  No injuries no damage, but shaken and annoyed.  Why do I keep sliding this way?  ‘I will not slide anymore!’ I declare.  Two days later I buy a new van with the best tires they have.  When I drive I will no longer slide.

The problem is my husband often drives and he loves to slide.  He does it on purpose.  On wintery days I will start to yell at him even before we enter the vehicle.  ‘Don’t mess around!’, I yell.  He messes around.  And, now we’ve gotten my son a pick-up.  It has rear wheel drive.  Rear wheel drive slides.  I hate rear wheel drive.  I tell my husband to teach him how to slide, how to handle a slide.  He does.  I am nowhere around.  They get home with big smiles on their faces.  He’s good at it, no problem.  But, it is a problem…for me.  I won’t let him drive on icy roads.  I mean, he’s only 16.  I’m keeping him safe.  I will be so glad when winter is over…and so will he.

7 thoughts on “Day 15: Sliding is the worst!

  1. I went through some sliding in my chevy volt this morning after working out at 6 a.m. I was near the top of the hill and could not go any further. I ended up sliding down the road backwards hoping no one would turn on to the road. It was a good 30 seconds of stress! I ended up going back on the main road and went home the long way!!

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  2. Kindred spirits, we are! Sliding is one of my all-time worst fears! We live in the center of town, so when the weather conditions are poor, I go on foot – now with the aid of ice spikes. I have not interest in sliding in a car or on foot – ever! Keeping your son safe sounds like a great plan. Hoping you won’t have to dodge anymore sliding episodes this year. We know they’ll be back, though, so enjoy the break when it comes.

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