Day 18: Sometimes there is drama

Sometimes I just try to hide in the basement.  Not all the time, just sometimes…when there’s a little too much drama.  Some drama started the other day, between 2 friends.  They get too involved in their kid’s drama and that spills over into their relationship, which spills into my relationship because I am friends with both of them.  Just unfortunate events.  Somehow it will work out.  Drama over.

Then, this morning my daughter gets her work schedule, more drama.  Unfortunately the adults put more pressure on the part time teenagers than the full time adults.  This was a job to enjoy, not one to be filled with stress and drama.  If it’s not enjoyable anymore then don’t do it anymore.  The decision was made, stress over, no more drama. 

Mostly, the drama is over.  All of the kids are home this morning.  Most times they are great.  Sometimes they are annoying.  Today they are annoying.  Nothing I say will appease them because they all want to be right.  This is when I tell them to work it out and I hide in the basement.  They work it out, drama over.  But, I stay in the basement a little longer.

Then, the cousins call.  ‘The cousins’ are my triplet nieces.  For as long as I can remember they are ‘the cousins’.  They didn’t call all at once, but there were several conversations about a bridesmaid dress appointment.  ‘We have to cancel….why do we have to cancel…she said this….no I didn’t….she said that….no I didn’t….you told me something different….you don’t get it….’.  Too much drama.  The appointment will be rescheduled.  Not everyone is happy, but everything will work out.

It’s time for some Starbucks, a caramel iced coffee with skim milk, drama over. 

9 thoughts on “Day 18: Sometimes there is drama

  1. Yes, too much drama calls for hiding in the basement. Sadly, mine is occupied by a brother, the only source of drama in my personal life. I don’t like drama in my classroom either and try to keep it at bay. Good luck w/ the cousins. The more people, the more drama. I glad your daughter quit the job. Teens work too much.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m really glad you have a basement. And Starbucks. Have you thought of noise-cancelling headphones? My friend tells me Bose makes a great pair. I’m thinking of investing in a pair myself!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hide in the bathroo— sometimes with the shower running and the exhaust fan blowing. We have two others- one for each of the other occupants of the house. No guilt.

    Drama. I wish that running water could wash it away!

    Drowning it in Starbucks is also a good option!

    Liked by 1 person

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