Day 20: Family vacations

Family vacations were always a goal of mine.  When I was a child we did not take vacations.  I was determined to make that a tradition, to build those memories with my family.  Working in a school meant our vacations would always be in the summertime.  It turned into somewhat of a routine.  The kids would have a week long session of swim lessons at the local pool.  We would take care of the vacation preparation, which consisted of each child choosing a new toy, an activity, and a new movie.  Then, we were off, driving….always driving, with snacks at the ready and pillows and blankets set just so for the most comfortable spot.

Early on the vacations were full of activity…walking to the edge of the Grand Canyon, getting soaked at Niagara Falls, climbing up Devil’s Tower, staying in hotels and exploring everything they had to offer.  Then we tried something new, a cabin just outside of town.  That was a definite hit.  You had all of the activity of the town and then after a long day had the relaxation of a beautiful cabin with a hot tub on the porch….heaven.  Then we changed it up again, a relaxing vacation.  Still a cabin, but nowhere near a big town, it was on a lake, with the other cabins just far enough away.  We would fish, boat, eat, read (well some of us will), take lots of pictures, and fish some more.  I will admit I was a bit nervous about this vacation.  We usually have a plan, lots of activities.  This time there was no plan and relaxing activities.  Will the kids be bored, will they have fun, will they get on each other’s nerves?  Nope, nope, and nope.  I learned that vacation is not only a new place or new activity, but also a state of mind.  As long as we were together, in a place other than home, busy or relaxing, we can find our fun and keep building those memories.

3 thoughts on “Day 20: Family vacations

  1. I want to go to the cabin on the lake. That sounds beyond amazing right now! I love that you guys switch it up here and there. I think that is something that all families should definitely do!

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  2. Vacation is a state of mind. How true is that. One of my favorite vacations with my family was to a little hotel on a lake where we lounged and hung out on the beach with no plan in sight.

    Liked by 1 person

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